It will be interesting whether individuals respond to the Keen Outlooks Cards like they do to the Shadow Cards. Will they like them as much? That’s the doubt often lurking behind creative endeavors. However, the importance of making this kind of system available to those who might find it helpful became clear the moment Will Smith’s hand slapped the cheek of Chris Rock. (On a metaphorical note, cheeky means impudent or irreverent in an amusing way.)
I immediately knew the Shadow Cards weren’t going to be published any time soon, which meant I could either sit on my stupefied ass or construct another version that allows people to access their unconscious. The real question remains of how much the general public wants to know themselves. I guess we’ll find out soon enough as the website emerges onto the social media scene.
It may well be that most folks have no time or interest in playing with metaphors to stretch their mental capabilities. That’s fine but it’s still fascinating how the unconscious influences everyone. We couldn’t heal without the unconscious. Imagine never being able to get the least bit sick or injured because you could never recover. The unconscious is all about recovery through discovery and during various ordeals that kind of insight can at least bolster the situation. Perhaps my optimism is misplaced but the unconscious has never let me down except when commenting on egotistical folly.
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