Besides remembering an occasional dream, do you check in with your unconscious on a regular basis? Maybe couple times a week, a day, an hour? Could you discipline yourself to consistently consider how your unconscious views everything in your life, like Santa Claus? This possibility has particular significance when we feel stress about various issues whether related to health, finances, family or community. But no matter how pleasant or unpleasant, exciting or dull, fulfilling or empty our existence may be at any given moment, we can always pause to ask a simple question, “What’s happening with my unconscious?” Just making the inquiry itself creates more space for a genuine response. The degree of room depends on the proactive steps resulting from incentive, small or large, triggered by the expansion. In other words, it falls on our own shoulders to exercise imaginative association in the same vein as keeping the body fit. Movement is essential, which is where metaphors come in.
The Keen Outlook Cards are an effective way to quickly introspect and hone our metaphorical sensibilities. They set the stage for discovery and thus a broader perspective, which may not always be welcome. Humans have evolved by invariably increasing our comprehension, from discerning cosmic structures with telescopes to exploring atomic nuclei with microscopes. We push the boundaries of knowledge, seeking to grasp deeper levels of reality. So here’s a basic question when using Keen Outlook Cards, what’s a deeper level of reality for me right now?

Guess I better watch what’s below. Walking on crap means learning to pay attention the hard way. When we step in shit, dirty stench is tracked behind us if shoes aren’t changed or we don’t stop to clean our sole. Getting soiled seems the opposite of validation except if dealing with shit serves as an important reminder.
Therefore, one method for increasing further comprehension of oneself, as well as the environment, is to start touching base with the unconscious in whatever appropriate manner feels comfortable. Just remember that the unconscious doesn’t just want to have fun, it wants truth which means activities that avoid candor also avoid the unconscious, thus veering from illumination and wisdom. Accessing the unconscious eludes many folks, rich or poor, due to the pressures of culture and status. Nonetheless, a metaphorical ocean awaits earnest curiosity, especially during dire or foul circumstances.
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