Generally speaking, there are two distinct ways of using a metaphor tool like the Keen Outlook Cards. The first is out of boredom or curiosity, a somewhat aimless glance at happenstance to see if an interesting or validating coincidence pops up, in other words a form of entertainment. This approach can also serve as a procrastination or distraction from tedium. The other approach stems from an interest in connecting with the unconscious no matter what associations emerge, whether relevant or confusing. This attitude accepts that clear guidance doesn’t always manifest upon demand. The timing of the unconscious can often be different than priorities of the ego.

Combinations can be a hit or a miss with the first mode but fruitful regardless of what happens using the second. For example, I just healed from a bout of gout, with all the incumbent metaphors about learning patience from pain, etc. Now I’m going to select a card on the experience, more specifically what can help me appreciate the rejuvenation:

Meanings – completion despite failure, lunging too hard, embarrassing competition

Hah!  I laughed as soon as the juxtaposition appeared. Coming in last place, barely finishing the competition trying to get ahead. Sense of failure. My right knee was the last place the gout stopped me in my tracks. Now, of course I want the rejuvenation to last so maybe it’s time to stop competing.

Every healing is a breakthrough with the unconscious, especially when tough obstacles are overcome.