Intuition Addiction
To be clear, I’m a vigorous advocate of honoring inconvenient intuition for partnering with the unconscious. The mysteries of maintaining communication with one’s deeper self continually present an enticing allure. [Read More]
To be clear, I’m a vigorous advocate of honoring inconvenient intuition for partnering with the unconscious. The mysteries of maintaining communication with one’s deeper self continually present an enticing allure. [Read More]
Anyone who knows me knows how much I get a kick out of metaphors but unfortunately, the following experience can’t be put in a bottle. If it could, I’d be [Read More]
Meaningful coincidences occur on a constant basis, though seemingly more often for some folks than others. Whatever the case may be, when thoughts or emotions merge with perception, [Read More]
When we mess with the unconscious, then it messes things up in our lives subjectively or objectively or both. Most people understand that ignoring the unconscious means going against intuition. [Read More]
Normally, I side step touchy subjects but an interesting metaphor occurred that gave me pause for reflection. My brother and I are polar contrasts in several respects. He is a year [Read More]
This post touches upon an unfortunate aspect of biology without delivering a solution or reassuring perspective . . . but it's still worth examination. The use or threat of pain [Read More]
With the advent of toolmaking, did smaller canine teeth in hominids accompany or correspond with increased group cooperation needed to survive on the savanna rather than in the trees? We [Read More]
As previously stated, these speculations aren’t substantiated by any expert, journalistic or research background. However, I wonder if that would make a difference since rarely does proof change people's mind [Read More]
When considering intelligence, a common understanding focuses on the ability to process thought and emotion. There's "book smart" and "street smart". However, our intelligence is largely influenced by the degree [Read More]
Despite the contentious nature of modern human civilization, or perhaps because of it, I'd be surprised to find anyone arguing there isn't a lot of discord, from natural disasters to [Read More]