Catching The Signs
The initial response to notifications sent about the website from people on the waiting list for years has been encouraging with a little coincidence thrown in for good measure: "This [Read More]
The initial response to notifications sent about the website from people on the waiting list for years has been encouraging with a little coincidence thrown in for good measure: "This [Read More]
Separate but connected - that’s a principle of both metaphors and biology, things being different and alike at the same time, the same components rearranged. Do metaphors reflect intrinsic features of [Read More]
Since nature is not egalitarian by the mere fact of different creatures having different levels of skill and force to get what they want, cruelty is built into the framework [Read More]
When we mess with the unconscious, then it messes things up in our lives internally or externally or both. We all know when we're messing with the unconscious. Two of [Read More]
It’s not the degree of conviction that matters in the long run. Individuals have great conviction about the goodness of their beliefs and actions even though they are harmful to [Read More]
One of the most commonly misused terms, in my non-expert view, is “counter intuitive”. Most people fail to distinguish between instinct and intuition. When they say something is counter intuitive, [Read More]
It will be interesting whether individuals respond to the Keen Outlooks Cards like they do to the Shadow Cards. Will they like them as much? That’s the doubt often lurking [Read More]
"It’s the combination of simple laws that give us drama, that give us the spectacle and wonderful phenomena we can see.” - Katherine Blundell, Gresham Professor of Astronomy Having paid [Read More]
Welcome to KEEN OUTLOOK CARDS. There are 20,000 combinations (100 images X 200 words), a lifetime of metaphors to cultivate food for thought. The cards were made to assist engaging [Read More]
Drawing and coloring the pictures for this fresh deck has at times been like pulling teeth. Well, not exactly but I don’t consider myself an artist and choosing images, as [Read More]