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This post touches upon an unfortunate aspect of biology without delivering a solution or reassuring perspective . . . but it's still worth examination. The use or threat of pain [Read More]
As previously stated, these speculations aren’t substantiated by any expert, journalistic or research background. However, I wonder if that would make a difference since rarely does proof change people's mind [Read More]
Undoubtedly, we communicate and conceptualize using metaphors. These representational dynamics relate or connect different ideas or designations. They also characterize fundamental forces, particles and their interaction, which means there's a [Read More]
It's simple enough exploring the use of metaphor in wide ranging fields from language, art, religion, mathematics, physics, chemistry etc. but my goal is shedding light on how metaphor arises [Read More]
Metaphors are like catalytic enzymes. Here’s the key - same content but different context. In other words the same atoms but different molecules or the same amino acids but different proteins. We have [Read More]
Separate but connected - that’s a principle of both metaphors and biology, things being different and alike at the same time, the same components rearranged. Do metaphors reflect intrinsic features of [Read More]
"It’s the combination of simple laws that give us drama, that give us the spectacle and wonderful phenomena we can see.” - Katherine Blundell, Gresham Professor of Astronomy Having paid [Read More]