Intuition Addiction
To be clear, I’m a vigorous advocate of honoring inconvenient intuition for partnering with the unconscious. The mysteries of maintaining communication with one’s deeper self continually present an enticing allure. [Read More]
To be clear, I’m a vigorous advocate of honoring inconvenient intuition for partnering with the unconscious. The mysteries of maintaining communication with one’s deeper self continually present an enticing allure. [Read More]
Anyone who knows me knows how much I get a kick out of metaphors but unfortunately, the following experience can’t be put in a bottle. If it could, I’d be [Read More]
Meaningful coincidences occur on a constant basis, though seemingly more often for some folks than others. Whatever the case may be, when thoughts or emotions merge with perception, [Read More]
Normally, I side step touchy subjects but an interesting metaphor occurred that gave me pause for reflection. My brother and I are polar contrasts in several respects. He is a year [Read More]
Despite the contentious nature of modern human civilization, or perhaps because of it, I'd be surprised to find anyone arguing there isn't a lot of discord, from natural disasters to [Read More]
Besides remembering an occasional dream, do you check in with your unconscious on a regular basis? Maybe couple times a week, a day, an hour? Could you discipline yourself to [Read More]
Generally speaking, there are two distinct ways of using a metaphor tool like the Keen Outlook Cards. The first is out of boredom or curiosity, a somewhat aimless glance at [Read More]
While coloring the Keen Outlook cards, I couldn't help reflecting on how much previous endeavors were motivated by seeking credit in one form or another. This compulsion may have germinated [Read More]
The unconscious always wants the truth. Therefore, those who avoid the truth within themselves, as well as externally, remain out of touch with the unconscious. Unfortunately, when the unconscious isn't [Read More]
The initial response to notifications sent about the website from people on the waiting list for years has been encouraging with a little coincidence thrown in for good measure: "This [Read More]